Calling all swimmas! Another fabulous issue of the one and only Halifax pop-and-dive zine. This is an exciting issue, but comforting too. It’s not like swimming in the raging ocean, it’s more like paddling around in a pond while Gord and the Halifax hipsters chat and croon to the small but beautiful ripples you make. Gord makes ripples all around the East Coast, wrecking art galleries in Sackville no less. His double-spread travel diary is fun to read, and a virtual catalogue of hipsters (which, amazingly, doesn’t make me less interested in it). It ends on a down note, with Gordon lashing out against the Halifax scene, this lashing out being the unexplained result of putting on a show at Bob and Lori’s of solo performances by Matt Grimson and himself (Preppy Relatives), Joel (Thrush Hermit), and Chris (Sloan). Chris (Sloan) makes another appearance as an interview subject — don’t worry kids, no boring stuff about Murder Records or the demise of (Sloan) just good time swimma talk — swimming with Mr. Lifto of the Jim Rose Circus Side- Show and being afraid of lakes. After I read this zine, I went back and read all the comics again. They are all so wonderful. Matt Bell, Amy Baker, and Jon Dacey. Get this zine just for the Dacey strip, Night Rally. It is as perfect an articulation of the solitary body in the urbanscape of non- stop consciousness as I have ever seen. Hey — how come broken pencil didn’t get the tape this comes with? Chris (Sloan) Murphy, Al Tuck, Girl Afraid, BrownShoe Townser and others! Hell, I’d pay for the fucking thing. (Maybe?) Get your hair wet! This zine is not for beginners.
zine / #6 / main creator: Gordon Isnor / $5 (with cassette) / 2120 Newton Ave., Halifax, NS, B3L 3B9