This zine leaves me sitting with mixed feelings. It’s laid out well and has a good looking cover. But content-wise, it’s a tough call. At times, LMA comes across as a zine that is borrowing a little too much from Vice. There seems to be an uber-ironic tone to some of the writing. And no matter how much irony you slather onto something, there just isn’t anything funny when you write about people using “the race card” in the workplace. And just because you attach a disclaimer about misogynist content doesn’t mean anything is going to be forgiven. It’s bad enough that stereotypes are still regularly played out in mainstream media. Independent culture should not accept these things so recklessly. It’s unfortunate that these undertones come into play in LMA because the style otherwise pushes towards something that is genuinely funny and irreverent. (Liz Worth)
Zine, #3, Paul Spence, $3, 32 pgs, 203 Saint Joseph Blvd. E., #2, Montreal, QC, H2T 1H9