This music magazine was definitely a puzzling affair. The publication of an independent record label, this magazine ran all over the map. It covered bands ranging from the Dixie Chicks to Rage Against The Machine to smaller indie acts without really saying very much or critiquing any of the acts. None of the articles were more than a page long and few of them even reached that length. It left a vague impression that the editors were trying to put on a positive spin on any act, no matter how good or bad they really are. Simply put, this is a music magazine that needs a sense of focus and context before it will become relevant. (KJ)
magazine, vol. 2, #6, 34 pages, $3 (black & white), $6 (colour), Publisher: Midnight Owl Records, Editor: Mark Owens, Box 65-2831 Shaughnessy Street, Port Coquitlam, BC, V3C 3H1, [email protected]