Night of Nights is a hodgepodge of everything Angela Carlucci

Night of Nights

zine, Angela Carlucci AKA Little Cobweb,


Angela Carlucci (also known as Little Cobweb) is a stalwart of the NYC alternative music scene. Her music is super cute and soothing. I would recommend it to anyone from my grandmother to my metalhead friends. When she’s not making music, she makes zines. The content is a hodgepodge of Carlucci’s interests. It includes a list of 54 songs she will slow dance to when she meets her soulmate, a clip from an interview about the movie Rocky, a dirty joke, a paragraph from a college textbook, and a vegan recipe.

It also comes with a link to a video version of the zine, which is artistic looking shots with voiceovers from the zine. It’s a fun collage of interesting thoughts. My favourite part of the zine was her “thank you” section, in which she suggests you check out the bands and singer/songwriters from her artistic community. It’s a great glimpse into a niche NYC music scene.


To see a small excerpt of this rad zine, click here!