After a lengthy absence, NAR has returned. When I found out it had been on a hiatus, I first thought, “Good, this thing looks like shit.” And the first couple of pages did nothing to change my mind, with stupid letters to the editor and some weird contest with readers’ pictures. But when I got further into NAR, I started to enjoy it more and more. The main strength of NAR is in its ability to take known pop culture and subvert it into something damn funny, and just a touch biting at the same time. “When Corporations go Wrong,” “Stories you May have Missed,” “Dear Disney” and “The Mr. Men Books—The Long Lost Series” are all must reads. Personally, I’ve never read the version of The Cat in the Hat that has the cat tripping out and mooching booze, smokes, dope and eventually cash from the kids. Fucking funny stuff. But the other great aspect of this zine is that there is a bit of seriousness to it, and some strong writing. Despite the proviso at the beginning of the piece, the interview with ChacHi On AciD is actually quite good, a nice balance of actual serious questions and ridiculous ones that seem to have kept the subject on his toes, but didn’t let him get carried away with silliness. A strong piece on the history of tattooing also compliments the humour and goofy pieces. I kinda wonder if NAR was this good before it went on a hiatus — or if maybe the creators should only put it out every couple of years. It would certainly be worth it if they decided to wait. (Jon Pressick)