Oh comic zines, how I miss thee. I can never get my fill of these things, so I was thrilled to have Nobody Can Eat 50 Eggs fall into my hands. An almost purely-illustrated zine, each monthly issue follows regular characters Crocodile Man, Bruno, Frank & Eddie and Colonel MacTagart. It also adds random comic strips to the mix, like “Hunchback Intern” and “Warning Signs that Your Cat is Possessed by Satan.” A personal favourite is “Warning Signs that Your Boss is Really a Thinly Disguised Alien Creature that Eats People”: “When he interviews people for new positions, your boss licks them to see what flavour they are,” and “The office mini fridge is too small to fit your boss’s human shaped Tupperware in.” It’s a simple read and the absurdity makes you chuckle. However, the zine isn’t for everyone: marked “for ages 18 and up” 50 Eggs caters to the more adult comic audience, and the silly humour may go over people’s heads. But it had me laughing. (Amy Greenwood)
Steve Steiner 445 1/2 Randolph Street Meadville, PA 16335 [email protected]