This is the first issue of the Sam Raimi fanzine. I guess if anyone deserves a fanzine, it is Raimi whose Evil Dead and Evil Dead 2 introduced legions of just pubescent fans into the ways of b- movie gore in the process influencing geeks like Tarantino to make shit-bag movies like From Dusk till Dawn. This zine concentrates on Raimi’s more main-stream studio effort Darkman which was a good movie, but not hardly a great one so I guess you’d have to be a pretty hardcore Raimi fan to want to know about all this stuff. As there does seem to be a lot of stuff to know, you can count on Sean’s dedicated scholarship. He covers everything from scene cuts to toy spin- offs with aplomb, detail and dead-pan seriousness. Now a similar treatment of Evil Dead would be both more of a challenge and more of an accomplishment. I’m looking forward to it.
zine / publisher: Burning Corpse Comics / main creator: Sean MacLaggan / $2 / 50 MacLean Crescent, Saskatoon, SK, S7J 2R7