This is a simple little zine about what’s happening in the life of Sarah Evans. She tells us that she’s been traveling a little bit, but Root is far from being a travelogue-type zine. Two subjects dominate the pages of this zine: Being done school and what it means to be part of a zine community. Sarah just finished her undergrad in biology; so she spends quite a bit of time talking about how her degree can be applied to her every day life. She makes quite a few interesting points. My, favourite part of her zine comes with the discussion of zines themselves. Sarah quite happily announces that she is once again excited about making zines. It was a pleasure to read about her efforts in building a positive zine scene in her small town. Short and sweet. (Audrey Gagnon)
perzine, #2, 16 pgs, $1, Sarah Evans, PO Box 33129, Halifax, NS, B3L 4T6, [email protected]