A beautifully crafted offering from Mosquito Press, Elizabeth Bachinsky’s touching poem, “Sometimes Boys Go Missing,” is a fictional piece inspired by a real life disappearance. The words resonate like the harsh echoes of stale newscasts; rumors abound and the small, angry voice of the missing boy’s girlfriend almost disappears in the perfectly captured no-nonsense comments of local residents, for whom this is nothing more than an alternative to talking about the weather. Their musings are pure speculation-fragmented statements that may or may not have any foundation in reality. In the end, however, what emerges is plain, solid, heartbreaking, and true: a boy is missing, and life will never be the same. (Andrée Lachapelle)
Chapbook, 16 pages, Elizabeth Bachinsky, Mosquito Press, 2055 Nevis Pl., Courtenay, BC, V9N 9V5, www.mosquitopress.com