Amazingly these folks manage to come up with a completely different format for each issue. This time the zine is stapled open-face with a front cover on each side: one portraying a man desperately running along on a tire while holding a briefcase, a beer bottle, money, a diamond ring, condoms etc. in his shiva-like arms. The other: a woman doing much the same, but on an exercise treadmill, with slim-fast instead of beer, a portable computer instead of a briefcase, a screaming baby etc. Inside, the usual cast of talented artists give us the usual immense variety of drawing styles and gags. Jimmy Beaulieu seems to be a new addition to the crew, with a great simple-line style in his “Un Peu,” a brief story of a young couple’s household tiff. There are more longer stories than shorter strips this time, once again raising the general quality and competence always at work at Tabasko. (LR)