This large-sized zine is definitely an interesting one. It’s not your typical perzine, fanzine, or any particular type of theme zine. It’s got a lovely silk-screened cover, enveloping the minimal content and “the Dawn Horse compilation CD”. I like finding surprises like a cd inside my zines! The first couple of songs were pleasantly emo-ish, followed by some psychedelic rock that was too guitar-riffing over-the-top for me. Hope, the editor, seems to have a flare for history. Particularly fascinating is her researched tale of the Eohippus “a obscure (horse-like) animal that has been extinct for 50 million years”, and its links to a prominent 70s cult, as well as the controversial battle between creationists (read weirdos) and evolutionists. She takes us for another walk down history lane with a piece about the local hardware store-cum-sex shop. Suzie Q offers a cute story about her “Pole Dancing 101” class that she takes at her local small town gym. Dauphinais debates, eloquently and convincingly, the notion that “photography robs us of the moment.” Strange little gem, this one. (heze d)
Zine, #1, 12 pgs, $1 U.S or trade, Hope Svenson, P.O Box, 209003, New Haven, CT, 06520, USA, [email protected]