This is Heather Wiley’s attempt at getting over her cynicism. Dappled with illustrations, some of which look like they were resurrected from childhood, the zine starts off with a section called “Smooches: The Search for Desire.” Each paragraph is about a different boy Heather has kissed. At first, it starts out cute and nostalgic, and the semi-stick figure drawings of a girl and a boy with stars floating around his head betray anything dark. But a few paragraphs in, Heather divulges a drunken night where things were far from cute. This combination of tragedy and anger along with smiles and fond memories sets a consistent tone throughout this zine. The writing is honest, though it might be too much so for those who aren’t comfortable inside other people’s heads-although the few pieces of poetry and the short story at the end add some balance. (Liz Worth)
Zine, Heather Wiley, 14 pgs, [email protected]