I have to declare up-front: I have little sympathy with animal rights zealotry, which this proudly proclaims itself to be. It’s witty, it’s spunky, it doesn’t take itself too seriously, but I hate it. It advocates “animal liberation” and “hunt sab”, and not that I don’t agree humans take too many liberties with other species and that meat is environmental murder, but I don’t think this is the most pressing issue facing the world today. Kill, kill, kill. That’s the way of the world. Do it more naturally, more sensibly, but don’t imagine we can hop off the food chain. I have more sympathy for Jen’s feminist stories and thinkpieces, and a lot of sympathy for slandering Jerry Garcia as an FBI agent (“to channel youth dissent and rebellion into more benign and non-threatening directions,” a 1968 Agency memo says).

zine / #1, 20 pp. / main creator: Jennifer Collins / $1, $5 for 4 / P.O. Box 687, Stn. Q, Toronto, ON, M4T 2N5

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