Email your call-out to [email protected] (do not send your submissions here).
Subject line: Call for submissions.
Daddy: A Cultural Anthology
About: An exploration of the word “daddy.” Whether you use the term “daddy,” “daddy issues” or “zaddy,” the word has seen a recent cultural resurgence. Grey Borders Books wants to know what the word brings up for you. Does it remind you of Freudian theories? Does the phenomenon of young women calling their boyfriends daddy make you uncomfortable? Does it bring up associations with the kink community? Or maybe the term is a trigger word for you.
Pay: Not listed
Submissions: Poetry, fiction, essays, or visual artwork about daddy are all accepted.
Stonewall’s Legacy
About: Poetry anthology commemorating the Stonewall Riots. This coming year marks 50 years since the rebellion, and the editors behind Stonewall’s Legacy wants to make a poetic record of where LGBT+ people were, are, and will be as a global community.
Pay: Not listed.
Submissions: Poetry of, by, for, and of relevance to the LGBT+ community.
Deadline: February 28, 2019
Vallum Chapbook Award
About: Chapbook contest
Entry fee: $25
Prize: 1st place gets published and $300
Submissions: 12-20 pages of poetry
Deadline: April 30, 2019
About: A quarterly zine dedicated to loving video games, big and small alike.
Pay: Not listed.
Submissions: Pieces focusing on a single game that you love, ranging from 200 to 2,000 words.
Deadline: January 25, 2019
The Throwaway Account (Emotions)
Pay: Not listed
Submissions: The theme is emotions, how we feel and express those feelings. They’re looking for MICRO art, comics, poetry, fiction, essays, interviews, and other writings. “Throwaway” refers to the way the zine will be printed. The plan is to print most (and handwrite some) submissions and adhere them to napkins made of recycled materials borrowed from restaurants.
Deadline: January 14, 2019
Magnus Opus
About: An international poetry anthology in English
Publisher: Authorspress, New Delhi, India
Pay: Not listed
Submissions: One poem, no more than 50 lines, that can be of any theme, but should be your “magnum opus.”
Deadline: December 31, 2018

The Indie Writer’s Deathmatch
Submissions: Up to 3,000 words
Calls from the socialsphere
Just discovered @WeMakeZines—would you help us get the word out about our #CallForSubmissions? Let’s talk about mental health!
— Mental (@mental_zines) November 26, 2018
#CallForSubmissions for our upcoming special issue. For more info and to submit —–>
— Vagabond City Lit (@VagabondCityLit) November 25, 2018
Fenced in…or out? – We are looking for your #art that interprets the theme of #borders for the next issue of INSIGHT magazine. #callforart #callforsubmissions #zine
— FOKUS (@FOKUS) November 18, 2018