Issue 39

Verbicide is the companion web-site for the quarterly magazine Verbicide. As you scan over the home page you’ll notice that […]

Carefully selected “stories that defy classification” is what is all about. Its biweekly issues contain only six new, unpublished […]


Moria is a long-running poetry ezine that offers up an impressive archive. And what’s so great about it is that […]


I just lost a couple of hours to Machinebook and I’m okay with that. Machinebook can have my time and […]

The Gone Centuries

The Gone Centuries is a blog from a nerdy but endearing Halifax man who calls himself Uberdestructinator. In his posts, […]


PunkTurns30 is a virtual punk rock yearbook that documents photographer Theresa K’s snapshots and memories of one of the most […]

Hotel Torgo

“Its like an ugly dog, you gotta love it.” Hotel Torgo is an amazing short documentary on what some consider […]

Legend of the 7 Bloody Torturers

A throwback to the look and style of the classic horror flicks of the ’30s and ’40s, director Conall Pendergast […]

Zine Philosophy

By Buffy Goodman In hindsight, it’s probably a good thing 1-800-FUCKWIT never saw the light of day. I think I […]

Deleted Zines

Digging the dirt on ex-zinesters By Nathaniel G. Moore Deleted in this issue: Edmonton’s Mark McCawley and, more specifically, Urban […]