Issue 42

Introducing Sarah Steinberg

HELLO, MY NAME IS SARAH AND I AM ADDICTED TO FACEBOOK Hello there. It’s good to see you. Yes, I […]

Editor’s Note

Like most independent artists, I have a day job. Just as no one really expects to make money as a […]

Indieparture! Sarah Lazarovic

Indieparture! Hi all. Thanks for putting up with my odes to tricoloured cookies. My time at Broken Pencil is up. […]

Craig Atkinson

Craig Atkinson was born in 1977 in Liverpool. About five years ago he decided to “give up” painting large abstracts […]

Theory of the Say-Koh-Bich

Relationships rotate on these two mutually dependent principles: women steal and control men, and have the assets to get away […]

Little Wite Squirel Angel

i stud up and Maury huged me and the awdeance moaned and i looked up from the floor and the […]

Some of This is True

When we came out of the evening and into the Kinsmen Field House, people were still mostly in their seats. […]