Issue 65

Book Review: The Tiny Wife

The Tiny Wife, Andrew Kaufman, 108 pgs, Cormorant Books,, $20 Andrew Kaufman’s novella The Tiny Wife begins with a […]

Book Review: Sweet Affliction

Sweet Affliction, Anna Leventhal, 190 pgs, Invisible Publishing,, $19.95 Journey Prize-nominated author Anna Leventhal’s first book is an assortment […]

Zine Review: Dusk

Artzine, Miko Maciaszek, issue 1,, price not listed Dusk is an illustration zine featuring elaborate drawings of nighttime wildlife. Turning the pages, […]

Zine Review: Drawn By Four

Artzine, Rachel Ang , issue 1, 8–428 Byron St., Footscray 3011, Victoria, Australia, $10 Despite what the title suggests, Drawn By Four is […]

Zine Review: Dinner at Nina’s

Comic, Dune Mesa, dinner-at-ninas-by-dune-mesadune-mesa-is-dave, $3 I’m not really sure where to start with the thoroughly bizarre Dinner at Nina’s. The product of a […]

Zine Review: Dave’s Wurld: Chapter One

Comic, Aaron Lenk, Simple Comics,, $15 (when purchased with chapters 2–4) Dave and the Object is the debut chapter in Aaron Lenk’s […]

Zine Review: Cabin-Time: Green River

Artzine, various,, $15 This spiral-bound zine is a record of a weeklong artists’ retreat in Desolation Canyon, Utah, north […]

Zine Review: Baby Hair

Artzine, William Dereume, issue 1,, $7 Baby Hair is an astounding little comic that is cute and cosmic at the same […]

Zine Review: Yard Sale!

Zine, Harley Rex, issue 22, [email protected], $3 It’s not easy being twee. For indie-pop record label owner and show promoter Harley Rex, love, […]