Issue 65

Burgomasterpiece Theatre 1

Presenting our new comics column, “Burgomasterpiece Theatre”, by Patrick Burgomaster!  

Zine Review: Danger Unheard

Zine, Kerri Radley, Research & Destroy,, $2 Hearing ability is one spectrum where zines can act in particularly tactical […]

Book Review: Open Letter

Open Letter: Woman Against Violence Against Women, Sheri D-Wilson, Frontenac House Poetry,, 104 pgs, $15.95 “This, The Black Book […]

Book Review: Chloes

Chloes Dean Garlick, illustrated by Nicole Legault,80 pgs, Lodge Press,, $14 When we first encounter Chloe Fortin,the titular character […]

Zine Review: Static Zine #9

Static Zine Zine, Issue 9, March 2014,, $2 Gather ‘round the table friends and behold the Torontonian feast that […]

Book Review: Nothing Looks Familiar

  Nothing Looks Familiar, Shawn Syms, 181 pgs, Arsenal Pulp Press,, $15.95  The eleven stories from Shawn Syms’ debut […]

Book Review: Indian School Road

  Indian School Road: Legacies of the Shubenacadie Indian Residential School, Christopher Benjamin, 329 pgs, Nimbus Publishing,, $24.95 As […]