The Continuist – Finding Teeth
Art Zine, The Continuist Team,
Here are thirty-eight post card sized pages of contemporary art, mostly photography, some drawings, a few paintings, digital collages, and a handful of poems, compiled and curated by a Toronto art collective calling itself The Continuist. They don’t say what it is they aim to continue. I find it difficult to know what to make of all these fragmented visions offered without context. I want to know what each artist wanted to achieve or evoke with their piece, or at least learn about the process that led them to arrive at the thing they’re showing me. This zine presents a selection of works and could function as an representative snapshot of a particular period in Toronto’s art scene, but as an outsider, I would get more out of it if there were a few lines about each artist and why they chose to submit the particular piece to the collection. (Mary Green)