If Track Changes were a poetic form, Kate Eichorn would be its master. In her borderline book-art poetic debut (as an author, that is– as a scholar Eichhorn is seasoned) Fond experiments with layout and format in extremes, distracting from its sometimes very literal poetry. Carefully measuring syntax, Eichhorn whittles her verse down to the perfect pile of words, but does not delete her markings and scratches. Actualizing the editorial process as archivist, this innovative work takes inventory of the book itself, its contents as meaningful as its coming to be. As the shared object of lovers, as a study in compulsion, Eichhorn proves that the, and this book is precious. (Tara-Michelle Ziniuk)
by Kate Eichhorn, $18, 80 pgs, BookThug, 53 Ardagh St., Toronto, ON, M4S 1Y4