Comic, Emily May Rose, [email protected], $5
This comic delivers the promise of its title — it’s a series of funny and very charming apologies. The first apology reads “I’m sorry I pretended to like Breaking Bad when really I think it’s just OK.” As I read this, I heard Liz Lemon in my head gently but firmly whispering that this was a dealbreaker, as Walter White in full Scarface mode scowled from the facing page. Walter and the other illustrations in this comic are rendered in thick, black lines, screen-printed on to heavy brown paper stock.
These are my favourite type of cartoons, with bold lines twisted into deceptively simple drawings. They look like you could dash them off with a Sharpie in a minute or two, but if you look more closely there’s a satisfying detail and precision to them. Beyond her lukewarm estimation of AMC’s acclaimed prestige drama, Emily is a blanket stealer, too old to take up skateboarding, and has opinions about music that differ from her ex-boyfriend’s. The whole tone is “Sorry I’m not sorry,” and it’s delightful. (Mary Green)