Diet Chocolate Soda, an Atlantic Canada-based Xeroxed cut and paste porno sex-struction zine, could be dubbed “pornography for the intellectually dirty and curious.” It could just as easily be for the corporeally-obsessed. In addition there are many insightful articles. I found out so much: so many fascinating and titillating terms (such as pigeon breasts, which are all about a condition of “prominent sternum” it’s a bit of science), a bit of camp and old “found” or archival sex related advice columns. But what does the creator have to say? “I want to sell and distribute these three issues together, for 5.00 including postage,” and he continues “there will be 23 issues of Diet Chocolate Soda eventually. For now there are 4 issues completed.” In the high-tech boom world of Internet porn and slick final cut pro whores sampling worldwide for the fuck-mushed masses, DCS is your low-fi hook-up. Holla if you hear me. (Nathaniel G. Moore)
Zine, R. R. 1 Tyne Valley Prince Edward Island COB 2CO, [email protected]