I’ve never seen someone with such an amazingly admirable passion for food and drink. Texan Stephanie Scarborough makes zines solo and sometimes paired up with Kevin Buchanan and other food lovers, about the types of things we ingest for sustenance. This zine, as you might have guessed by the title, is a tribute to smoothies. And, yes, Stephanie loves her smoothies.
Here Stephanie takes us comprehensively through the whys and hows of true smoothie joy. She helps us to find the kind of blender that gets the best results–complete with a funny diagram of the good and bad blender speeds (hint: you want settings like blend and puree, not decapitate and sever human finger). Next we learn what ingredients work best: little did I know nuts make a good substitute for bananas in order to make smoothies thick. Thank god ’cause I can’t stand bananas and they’re in almost every smoothie available.
Through Stephanie we learn how to blend, how to troubleshoot, and finally she gives us some tried and true recipes that she has made. For sure a great zine to have around if you want some liquidy fun. (Lindsay Gibb)
Food zine, Stephanie Scarborough, $1 plus US stamp, $2 outside of US, P.O. Box 981 Fort Worth, TX 76101 U.S.A., [email protected]