
The most powerful comics are those that revel in simplicity. Forget those that have every panel filled with art and text. That’s too much, especially with text. Too much telling, not enough left to the reader’s imagination. Regardless of how great a writer is, there is nothing more powerful in a comic than tense, textless panes. These grab readers. These convey the comic form because comics need to live and breathe by the art. And the boys of the temporay series understand this need fully. They let their marvelous creation Envy breathe through the story. They let their spare, yet inspiring art take over and tell the story at times. A great comic, I’m definitely ordering back issues. (Jon Pressick)

#4, Damon Hurd and Rick Smith, comic zine, Origin Comics, 1430 Route 300, Suite 2, Newburgh, NY, 12550, U.S.A.