Want your call for submissions included on our list?
Email your call-out to anisa@brokenpencil.com (do not send your submissions here).
Subject line: Call for submissions.
Broken Pencil Zine Awards
About: Since its inception in 2017, the goal of the Zine Awards has been to honour outstanding work coming out of the ever-expanding zine universe, and to acknowledge the talent and hard work of emerging, established and experimental self-publishers for their contributions to zine culture.
Submissions: Find submission guidelines on our website at https://brokenpencil.com/zine-awards/enter-the-zine-awards/. You can submit up to 3 zines made between April 2019 and June 2020. You can submit a PDF copy or a physical copy and a PDF copy. There are individual awards for each category: Political Zine, Perzine, Compilation Zine, Artzine, Comic Zine, Litzine, Literary Micro-journal, and Fanzine.
Pay: $100 for the winner of each category, and the Best Overall Zine gains an additional $400. Each winner will be profiled in Broken Pencil Magazine. Winning zines and nominees will be sold on the Broken Pencil Zine store.
Deadlines: Tonight!!! Submit your zines here https://brokenpencil.submittable.com/submit
Mango Sweet: QTBIPOC Artists
About: Mango Sweet consists of two DJs/ collaborative artists that make up MangoOnly and JustSweet. We are looking for work to create a zine that celebrates QTBIOC in a collection of images.
Submissions: Media being considered are: paintings, illustrations, film stills, photo documentation of work, photographs –if we can print, we will consider it! You can send up to 3 images that are formatted at or cropped to a 5×7 image. Email submissions to mangosweetparty@gmail.com, and put Zine Application and name in subject line.
Pay: Selected artists will be paid $200 CAD.
Deadlines: July 27th
Cookzine Calling for Recipes
About: In honour of #internationalzine month, we making a Cookzine with food and beverage recipes to help form a closer community through culinary wonders. We are going to have the Cookzine completed for International Zine Day, July 21
Submissions: Submit your own completed half letter zine page (3.75 by 5 inches), or submit a recipe and we will do the formatting for you. File size is limited to 10 MB in JPG or PNG format. You can send recipes here https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScO9zqYtmr2QdQRnIWAuryXcaSxrsUrbt–0lrbGQdC3tnNTw/viewform
Pay: Voluntary basis
Deadlines: July 17th.
Aislin: Black Theme
About: Aislin Magazine (pronounced Ash-Lin) is an independent magazine focused on showcasing new and established art, fashion, writing, and music. The fall Issue 008 theme is black. It’s a broad theme and you can be creative, but think monochrome, shadows, silhouettes, ink drawings, etc.
Submission: Submission requirements may be found at https://www.aislinmagazine.com/submit. All submissions must include:
- A title
- A description
- Individual titles for works included (when applicable)
- A signed terms and conditions form (email jasmine@aislinmagazine.com for a copy)
- A note stating if the submission is for online only or for both online and print
- Works for website can be previously published, but works for the printed magazine must be unpublished works
- Artwork must be minimum size of 11.5 inches on the longest side
- Images must be in a CMYK color profile –images not formatted will be converted which may cause slight colour shifts
Pay: N/A
Deadlines: July 18th. All submission and required components must be emailed to jasmine@aislinmagazine.com
The Pandemic Post: Black Creators
About: A small online and print zine originally created to support COVID-19 relief organizations. Each monthly issue is designed to make staying at home enjoyable and productive. We feature interviews, art, essays, recipes, fiction, poetry, and more. All profits are currently being donated to The Audre Lorde Project. Our next issue will only feature black creators, artists, and writers.
Submissions:: You may submit to the website at https://www.thepandemicpost.com/submit, or email editors@thepandemicpost.com
Pay: $40 per accepted submission.
Deadlines: August 1st.
Orange Blush Zine
About:A zine for creatives and artists that focuses on being inclusive, eclectic, bold, welcoming, and experimental. “If it’s never been done before, we’d like it even more.” Accepting art, poetry, prose, fiction, essays, scripts, comics, illustrations, photography, and collages. We’re open to out-of-the-box, punch-you-in-the-gut type work.
Submissions: Send all submissions to orangeblushzine@gmail.com. Find Submission guidelines at https://orangeblushzine.wixsite.com/home. Guidelines include:
- Up to 10 pages of writing in DOC or DOCX. Start each new piece on a new page.
- Up to 10 images in PNG or JPEG format as large as possible.
- Send a link for video submissions.
- If submitting to two genres simultaneously, email submissions separately.
- Include “SUBMISSION – Genre- Your Name” in the email subject line
Pay: Voluntary basis
Deadlines: Accepting submission all year round.
Home Sick Zine: Culture Shock
About: A zine for artists, writers, and humans as a platform for undiscovered voices. Set-up to help artists that are undiscovered, unseen, or unheard of to give everyone a voice. The theme is “Culture Shock.” Use it as a prompt or incorporate it in anyway you can.
Submissions: You can submit your work and fill out the submission forms here https://www.homesickzine.com/submit. Only one submission per category. Any questions may be sent to homesickzine@gmail.com.
Pay: Voluntary basis.
Deadlines: August 10th