Have A Nice Mystery gets to the heart of zine making. Simply constructed of plain 8″x11″ paper that is quarter-size and bound with staples, it’s an art zine that embraces the joy in creating something. The photocopied pages feature detailed– albeit elementary–doodles of random geometric shapes and monsters that embody the same physical peculiarities as those in Picasso’s Guernica. Not to mention that the varying artistic disciplines used in the zine make it a promising eight-page acid-trip. But it’s the point of the zine that remains its most compelling mystery: there is no hint of a theme or storyline and words are at a minimum. The last page describes the doodles as “kozmik laffs.” … We’ll go along with that. (Amy Greenwood)
art zine, Mark Connery, 704 Spadina Ave., Box 475, Toronto, ON, M5S 2J2