Okay, there’s a guy in Hearst with way too much time on his hands. Or maybe not. You see, a while back, my brother – who has a kid and a job and is basically a busy guy – gave me this book called Idiot Letters. The book is a collection of stupid questions this guy sent to all these American corporations. It was mildly amusing. But here’s the thing. With the book, he gave me copies of his own letters written to American corporations for no good reason. Meanwhile, there’s our man in Hearst – who swears his real name is John Doh. This guy’s zine, Letters from the Freakin’ Edge!, does the same thing as my brother and the book he gave me. Only Doh’s zine is a way funnier version of this scheme. He makes no attempt to connect the content of his letters to the products of the various Canadian companies he writes to. Furthermore, if he gets any sort of reply, he sends a barrage of 3 or 4 even crazier letters. Sorry bro, but your stuff is pedestrian compared to this guy. I laughed out loud when he complemented WD-40 Products Canada for the “positive effect” the lubricant had on his “hemorrhoids, dandruff, body odour…” etc.
zine / main creator: John Doh / $3 / PO Box 2959 Hearst, ON, P0L 1N0