In the introduction, Michelle informs us that Cain has become an annual affair allowing her more time for “inspiration to accumulate.” She also tells us that she has scrapped the clipart of the past and opted for her own photographs. I haven’t seen the previous incarnations of Cain, but her latest is quite good. In a nice departure from most personal zines, Michelle tells four stories, and lets them unfold in quiet detail. Among the highlights is the account of her two month trip to China, written from the perspective of an American-Chinese, it is a nice account of trying to discover your roots in an ever growing global (American) village. “Activism, Schmactivism” is a funny and familiar tale for anyone who has considered themselves political – until they’ve actually tried it. The last piece, “A Place Like This,” is about Michelle’s experience hanging out and interviewing the people who work and reside at a local homeless shelter. It’s well done and enough for a single zine. The writing is a step above the conversational tone of most pubs, yet still relaxed enough to make chuckle and smile. Recommended. (Kevin Jagernauth)
perzine, #4, 50 pgs, $1, Michelle, P.O. Box 200077, New Haven, CT, 06520, USA,