A Collection of Water

The writings of rural Southern Ontario coming at you cardstock style. This zine’s actually very nicely set up, the cover has a melted map of Southern Ontario (possibly due to the heatwave?) And the poems inside are really nicely laid out. “Sandpipers pipe/thru soft shallows/backwards elbow/jaunes pieds” Wow. I liked that a lot. Then it continues: “Limestoney water ply/and reply/ of parchments peeling/sheet rock algae/under going sky.” This poet is skilled in the jedi art of language poetry. Other poems worth skimming include the lyrical “Carnival Time/Brantford” and “Grand River at Brantford” which has so much geography, you really feel as if you should know where all this is taking place. (Nathaniel G.Moore)

poetry zine, $3.50 (plus postage), Kemeny Babinea, Laurel Reed Publishing, 206 Maple Ave. Mt Pleasant, ON, NOE 1KO, alaric@bis.on.ca

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