What a wonderful collection! Eighteen poems by fourteen poets, and five drawings by artist Wendy Lu. Editor Schwartz has thoughtfully and sensitively chosen one or two pieces from each poet, creating an exhilarating read. Most pleasing was the immaculate sense of line shared by all. It is rare to find so many contemporary poets in one place who understand where line ends: “your eyes glittered/ like the crescent moon/ bright behind/ tattered racing clouds.” (Hint: it breaks with the breath, not visa versa.) That staccato image, from Janice Lore’s “RØMØ”, is perfectly infused with the breathless excitement of fresh love, which in part is what the poem is about. This whole collection, regardless of subject, reads with the same deeply satisfying faultlessness. Go roll 200 pennies right now and buy Jones Av. (Shaun Smith)
litzine, Vol II #2, $2, 24 pages, Paul Schwartz (ed.), OEL Press, 88 Dagmar Ave, Toronto, ON, M4M 1W1, [email protected]