This is the premiere issue a sci-fi and fantasy fanzine from the west coast, theoretically published quarterly. ZX2 is a text-only production, suitable for posting to Usenet newsgroups, but all the issues will get archived at the website. Actually, the plain-black-text on a plain-white-background looks pretty appealing. The August 1996 issue is mostly devoted to coverage of V-Con XXI, a fan convention put on by the British Columbia Science-Fiction Association. If you’ve ever been to a sci-fi con of any sort, you can probably guess what went on at this one. If you think attendance at a sci-fi con of any sort is symptomatic of an arrested adolescence, skip to the next review. Of particular note at V-Con XXI was the awarding of an Elron Award to “Xena, Warrior Princess” for the year’s most mediocre achievement in science fiction. It was worth reading this zine just to find out that the Elron Awards exist. Also included in this issue is a list of the winners of this year’s Prix Aurora Awards for Canadian science fiction and fantasy.