Broken Pencil Zine Awards 2021

Artzine of the Year:
Diaspora Daughter/Diaspora Dyke
Christina Hajjar
Winnipeg, MB

Comic Zine of the Year:
The Northern Gaze
Edited by Kim Edgar
Dawson City, YT

Political Zine of the Year:
Harvest Garden
Meegan Lim
Brampton, ON

Litzine of the Year
Human Remains
O. Ashby
Victoria, BC

Infozine of the Year
Tracing Chinatown
Charmain Wong
Toronto, ON

Perzine of the Year
Kinogram #1: Uncle Jerry
SA Mukherji
Ithaca, NY

Group Zine of the Year
Queering Friendships
Mixed Rice Zines
Oakland, CA

Fanzine of the Year:
Good Chicken
Natalie Mark
Winnipeg, MB

Quaranzine of the Year:
Through the Subway Gates
Maitane Romagosa
Brooklyn, NY
Artzine of the Year:Diaspora Daughter/Diaspora DykeChristina HajjarWinnipeg, MB |
Comic Zine of the Year:The Northern GazeEdited by Kim EdgarDawson City, YT |
Political Zine of the Year:Harvest GardenMeegan LimBrampton, ON |
Litzine of the YearHuman RemainsO. AshbyVictoria, BC |
Infozine of the YearTracing ChinatownCharmain WongToronto, ON |
Perzine of the YearKinogram #1: Uncle Jerry
Group Zine of the YearQueering FriendshipsMixed Rice ZinesOakland, CA |
Fanzine of the Year:Good ChickenNatalie MarkWinnipeg, MB |
Quaranzine of the Year:Through the Subway GatesMaitane RomagosaBrooklyn, NY |