Somewhere between Ma & Pa Kettle and Jean Baudrillard lies PWOT. Though growing slightly more dependent on visuals and less on writing than in past issues, Vince and Victoria continue to dispense hugs and pisstakes monthly to the Montreal masses. Recent highlights include a denunciation of Media Mergers, the World Wide Web, “Fashmagslags” and telephone company surveys as BORING, an explanation of the Four Noble Truths, and varied attacks on the mayor, tourists, architecture and hipoisie of their hometown. “Contrary to what advertising and Hollywood films would have us believe, not everyone is obsessed with money. Some of us are obsessed with making collages and eating peanut butter and honey sandwiches.” Correspondence printed, questions answered.
zine / #s 7-10, June-September 1996, 4 pp. / main creators: Vince & Victoria / free / CP Jeanne Mance, 4068 St-Laurent, PO Box 42020, Montreal, PQ, H2W 2T3