Wish this atonal desire, friends, music is noise and noise is words and music stirred but not shaken would we have the time to read this — as densely heavy as a dream or CD or Ruminations on Music-Making Between Global Capital & Ecotopia Watch out! There is more to life than sub- pop and unyons circling our small brains. Get this: “Composition is, in many ways, being replaced by sampling and mixing — as if there were nothing new to be created, only different ways of putting it together and taking it apart.” From the article by Adrian Ivakhiv. We wish we had the time for long random moments, the ecology of my art is distant, this is the mag all you punk kids and electro-bandites should read slowly to make the music work.
magazine / spring 1996, 64 pages / publisher: The Music Gallery / main creator: Gayle Young (editor) / $5, $14 for 3 / The Music Gallery, 179 Richmond St. W., Toronto, ON, M5V 1V3