Fish Piss

How could you not pick up a zine with a picture of the American flag on the cover, in true red, white, and blue, yet comprised of penises and missiles (those would be the stripes). Fish Piss is a huge zine (118 pages!) that has been running for nearly seven years now out of Montreal. The theme of this issue, as I’m sure you could guess from the cover description, is the current state of the world. And while this theme plays prominently in the zine, by no means does takes it over. The news section provides hilarious little moments that show all the reasons why humans will somehow always do the stupidest shit (or become victim to that shit). Sorry, but the story of the three men who died inhaling manure fumes in Ontario by successively following each other into the manure tank – well, that was damn funny and has affected my vocabulary. In addition to a wide range of great articles and stories, the zine also includes band interviews, historical essays and a seemingly unlimited supply of great comics (the man who cried until Noah arrives being one of my favourite). Fish Piss closes this issue with a huge section of music and zine reviews. I’m not going to try to reduce this to economic reasons, but at $3, this is a great zine with a huge amount of material – and with a comic providing instruction on how to look happy so people won’t think you’re creepy always helps – it really does. (JK)

zine, Vol. 2, #3, 118 pages, Louis Rastelli, $3, PO Box 1232, Place d’Armes, Montreal QC, H2Y3H2, [email protected]



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