
Probably more people would read Canada’s “Progressive Jewish Magazine” if they knew that it existed. However, this erudite magazine’s approach to issues of concern to Jews in Canada lacks the hysterical pomposity necessary to make it fit for general public discourse. One of the most pervasive and successful elements of this magazine is its global approach to Judaism; recent articles discussed the bombing of a Jewish center in Buenos Aires, Cuban Jewry, German neo- fascists and new Jewish publications in other countries. These articles, when coupled with scholarly works like the fascinating essay by Frank Bialystok entitled Delayed Reaction: The Holocaust and Canadian Jewry 1958-1985 help to give the Jewish experience in Canada a valuable context. However, this could also be a draw-back: there was almost an over-emphasis on international events. There could be more Canadian content of specific interest to Jews in Canada. That remains a minor complaint — a thoughtful magazine that encounters its multifarious subjects with the respect and commitment that eludes other mass-market American Jewish magazines.

magazine / publisher: The Canadian Jewish Outlook Society / main creator: Henry Rosenthal (editor) / $3.75, 8 for $30 / #3-6184 Ash Street, Vancouver, BC, V5Z 3G9

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