Some of the reviews in here are brutal. Especially one of the Canadian zine, “Johnny Can’t Read” where the reviewer (JS) says (“If I keep getting shit like this to review, I swear I’m gonna have to throw in the towel. I mean, doesn’t anyone care to make an effort on their own zines anymore? Doesn’t anyone realize that running interviews and CD reviews about nobodies is totally fucking boring. The reason you can get these interviews with no-name losers is because no one else cares to talk to these people.”) Doesn’t this seem wrong? I mean isn’t the fact that most of these publications are unknown the whole purpose of AYTD? Well I’ll move on. Zines behind bars is the opening section, and offers an oddly attractive proposition. You can exchange zines with prisoners, such as David Wright of Lebanon…(I read on…) okay so it’s Lebanon, Ohio. There are a few other and addresses, so you too can send your zines to zinesters serving time. Let’s hope they’re not doing time for photocopying and binding, because that would be dumb. There are rules pertaining to the contents of your packages which will eventually end up in the hands of the inmates. Don’t send drugs or stamps. I like this zine a lot, even I couldn’t really get a sense of the how zines are appreciated or how they interact in the states but it’s nice to see what’s going on in the USA and how their zines are analyzed. (NGM)
zine, #15, 58 pgs, Ruel Gaviola, $3, PO Box 91934 Santa Barbar, CA 93190-1934, USA