Call for Submissions: Muchacha Zine
Are you a Latina, Chicana or Hispanic woman? Muchacha Zine is looking for your writing for its next issue. Poems, comics, essays and other forms of art are all welcome. Deadline is March 1, 2013. For more info, see this beautifully-written posting.
Burners Without Borders: Artist Residency in Haiti
Burners Without Borders (BWB) is a grassroots, volunteer-driven, community leadership organization (founded by former Burning Man attendees) whose goal is to unlock the creativity of local communities to solve problems and bring about change. They have launched a screen-printing program in Haiti that will teach Haitian artists sustainable new skills (including the actual process of screen-printing, as well as how to find a job with these skills afterwards) and encourage self-reliance. They are currently looking for instructors who can teach design, screen printing and have experience in professional development. Airfare, room and board is provided as well as a $30 stipend. The deadline for residency applications is February 4, 2013. Click here to learn more and apply. (Thanks to Paper Pusher, who first shared this link on their Facebook yesterday.)
Call for Submissions: For the Girls
For the Girls is a website/e-zine devoted to erotica for women. (WARNING: Website is most decidedly NSFW!) They are currently looking for submissions of flash fiction (between 300 – 500 words) that are succinct, clever, erotic and aimed at a female audience. They are also looking for guest columnists to sound off in a new column called Bedhead Graffiti, where different writers can share “opinions, epistles, musings, rants and reasoned arguments” on the topic of sex and relationships. Newcomers and seasoned writers are both welcome. Both opportunities are paid. For more information on how to submit, go to this posting.
Call for Vendors: OCAD Zine Fair
The 5th annual OCAD (Ontario College of Art and Design) University Zine Fair is nearly upon us, and you should reserve a table to show off/sell your wares.
Call for Submissions: Subtle Technologies Festival
Subtle Technologies is a group of artists, scientists, engineers, technologists and others, interested in showcasing Canadian creativity, cross-disciplinary ideas and exploring new technologies. They are holding their 16th festival in June and are currently looking for submissions. The criteria, as you might imagine, is broad but focused on a single theme: Immortality. The floor is yours in terms of mediums and ideas used to explore this theme. Whew! Submission deadline is February 25, 2013. To learn more, click on the organization’s website.