Found On The Internet

This is a special edition of “Found” curated by our intrepid intern, Ryan. Thanks Ryan!

Sci Show: Looking to expand your horizons and fill in the gaps of your science knowledge? Check out the Sci Show series. It’s a great collection of short Youtube videos explaining an assortment of hows and whys from dark matter and evolution to the secrets of the vampire squid.

Hack Your Life: Life’s hard, so why not use cheat codes? has a compilation of what they call life hacks: 50 tips and tricks to make everyday run a little bit smoother. They’ve also devised a great way to reduce, reuse and recycle old junk you would have just thrown out. Some of their uses for paperclips and pop tabs may surprise and amaze you.

Read Your Video: Storyboard is a user-designed service that converts videos and movies into PDFs that you can read on your various devices, e-readers, laptop, and etc. While its creator explains that the service was borne from an “insane” need to consume video without the audio and other trappings, I think it has a lot of potential for online art, memes, and other such creations that require high-quality screen captures (like the Seinfeld conversation on the left). You can learn how to use this service and subvert it for your own purposes here.

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