Call for Submissions: Get in Your Feelings with Feels Zine

Want your call for submissions included on our list?
Email your call-out to [email protected] (do not send your submissions here) Subject line: Call for submissions.

Feels Zine

About: Feel Zine’s goal is to foster proximity and understanding through a shared love of the arts and humanities and all things spirited and to make – however modest –  a contribution toward personal healing and deference for the diverse ways people try to make moral, spiritual and intellectual sense of a world in which illness, violence, despair, loneliness and death are as prevalent as hope, friendship, reason and birth.

Submissions: They are currently accepting submissions for Issue 15: Desenamorarse, which means ‘to fall out of love’ (set for September 2021).


    1. Please title your email submissions using the following: “FEELS Submission – Issue ___ – [Your name as it should appear in the issue if accepted] – Title of Submission”
    2. If submitting a collection of works, please submit all in one email with the name of the collection as the title.
    3. If submitting multiple separate works for the same issue, please submit each individually.
    4. Art submissions: FEELS is 7.5″ x 9.5″ with a 0.125″ bleed. Please be advised that we will ask you to recolour your artwork as we print in risograph.
    5. Longform written submissions: the maximum word count for submissions is 1200 words. Please submit as a word document or using Google Docs. 
    6. Please indicate in the body of your email the country you are submitting from, as we publish a majority Canadian content as a Canadian publication, but do include global contributors as well. 

Deadline: Submit to [email protected] by June 30, 2021

If you do not receive a confirmation email after submitting, follow up with on their main email, [email protected]