Call for Submissions: IN THE MOOD MAGAZINE


In The Mood Magazine is looking for contributors for Issue 7: Comics & Cartoons. They’re  looking for your writing on film, TV, and music videos in the form of:

  • Film diaries
  • Short personal essays
  • Conversations
  • Poetry
  • Fanfic
  • And more (the more creative the better)


  • Must adhere to the theme “comics and cartoons” (animated films, comic book adaptations, kids cartoons, and more)
  • Word count: maximum 1,000 words for features, 300 words for film diaries
  • While they prefer pitches, they also welcome completed pieces. If pitching, please include a writing sample (doesn’t need to be a published piece).


  • $30 for features
  • $20 for film diaries
  • Upon publication


March 31st, 2023

How to Submit
