Call For Submissions: Vibrant Nostalgia with ‘Superfroot’

Want your call for submissions included on our list?
Email your call-out to [email protected] (do not send your submissions here) Subject line: Call for submissions.



About: Superfroot is a literary arts magazine started by four creative best friends. inspired by their favorite writers and artists. They love writing that makes them scream, confuses them, makes them laugh, makes them uncomfortable. They like strong settings, humanlike characters, and animated voices. Send them your best short fiction, flash fiction, and poetry. While they appreciate science fiction and fantasy, they would probably fit better elsewhere.

Submissions: Superfroot is looking for submissions for their Issue 02: NOSTALGIA. This issue seeks romanticization of what once was. It yearns to be one with memory. Let out your grievances. scream at your old self. Write a letter to your past. Sing to an old vinyl record. Chase the stars in your 2000’s moon boots. Throw us your teenage journal. They want all of your poetry, prose, photography, and art that yearns for time gone by. 



Guidelines: Superfroot accepts online submissions through email. Please put your name and genre in your email’s subject field! Subject line: [name], [genre] submission. Say hi and include a third-person bio in your email! Your bio will accompany your work in the mag. 

Poetry: Submit 1-3 poems at a time, with each poem on a new page. please submit work as a .doc or .docx.

Prose: Submit no more than one piece up to 3,000 words or 3 pieces of flash (<1000) not exceeding 3,000 words. please submit work as a .doc or .docx.

Artwork: Submit 1-5 high quality image files. we may choose all pieces or just one. 

Photography: Submit 1-5 pieces of photography (single photos or sets.) we may choose all pieces or just one. 

disclaimer: while we appreciate risqué and gritty work, please refrain from sending submissions that are overindulgent in sexual or violent themes or that promote bigotry. we do not accept fan fiction, fan art, or writing that has been previously published (previously published art/photography is okay!) please do not submit the same work if it has been rejected once. Please include content warnings for sensitive material (i.e: sexual assault).

More information about their guidelines HERE 

Pay: $5 USD per contributor

Deadline: Submit to [email protected] by September 15th, 2021