Call for Submissions: Wasted Ink Wants Your Zines

Want your call for submissions included on our list?
Email your call-out to [email protected](do not send your submissions here) Subject line: Call for submissions.


// Art by @haleyorion_


About: Wasted Ink Zine Distro (WIZD) is a small-press distribution center, storefront, and library that houses local and international zines. WIZD represents over 250 artists and provides a hub for creativity and community impact. WIZD contains an on-site zine library with over 700 titles to read through to gain inspiration and understanding. WIZD hosts and supports over 50 zine and literary events each year ranging from zine workshops to the Phoenix Zine Fest.

Wasted Ink Zine Distro is a community event space run solely by a passionate queer, disabled zinester named Charissa Lucille and a great community. In addition to curating and maintaining this collection, we also host a number of literary events including zine-making workshops, zine release parties, and rotating art shows.

Wasted Ink Zine Distro provides people with alternative forms of media with publications about a myriad of different topics ranging from, educational and woman’s studies, personal and political activism, music and punk history, photography, art, and more. WIZD is constantly growing and expanding and receiving more material every week.

Submissions: If you identify with the following: BIPOC, disabled or chronically ill, LGBTQIA, and or Neurodivergent, then Wasted Ink wants your zines! Wasted Ink is looking to add 100 zine titles to the new location opening on February 6. Please email the owner, Charissa Lucille to start the process and get your zines in WIZD!

Pay: N/A

Deadlines: Email Charissa Lucille [email protected] for more information on how to submit to WIZD!

More of Wasted Ink Zine Distro: 

Instagram: @wastedinkzinedistro

Twitter: @WastedInkDistro
