
Book Review: Winter Tennis

Winter Tennis is Todd Swift’s fourth collection and is pleasingly hard to pin down. Although there are recurrent themes and […]

Book Review: Fond

If Track Changes were a poetic form, Kate Eichorn would be its master. In her borderline book-art poetic debut (as […]

Book Review: The Debaucher

Jason Camlot pulls no punches with his third collection The Debaucher. His elegiac series to Rob Allen boasts a clear […]

Book Review: The North End Poems

The urban masculine form has long been a rhetorical faded denim and stubble kind of thing: a pose without conscience. […]

Book Review: BirchSplitBark

A poetry book about the canoe — how Canadian can you get? Guichon then adds a nuclear family into the […]

Book Review: Troubled

RM Vaughan’s latest collection of poetry works on the tensions between betrayed and traitor. Telling the story of a therapist […]

Book Review: Kissing Dead Girls

At times poet Daphne Gottlieb is operating without a poetry manuscript manual, corrosively entering and occupying the literary spaces of […]

Book Review: Dead Cars in Managua

Ross’s book shows off both his surreal craftsmanship and his emotional dexterity. The middle section about the loss of family […]

Book Review: The Red Element

Catherine Graham’s third collection has more goose bumps per page than any collection in recent memory. Sticking to the poetic […]

Book Review: Found

Souvankham Thammavongsa begins her small, blue book of poetry with this: “In 1978, my parents lived in building # 48, […]