DIY 905 Style


DIY 905 Style

Revamping the city that has no style

By Jennifer Emily

1) We are a city that sometimes has no soul. We are the children of many different kinds of revolutions. We are individuals seeking the right to express our radical thoughts, works and arts.Perhaps you are intrigued? See what keys of creativeness truly lie within these pages. Find out the truth to the under­belly of a Steel City. It’s a lot better than you think…

2) ArtGreen is not something people in this town eas­ily understand, or even want to. Trying to establish the arts in a blue-collar city is no easy feat. One must be bold, brave and fearless. Setting aside some of those things that make us who we are and instead adorning the “corporate” persona that can allow us to be ourselves in the end. Doors may slam but it is the important ones that open.

3) Some nights in the Hammer creative minds and intellects gather, these nights are affectionately dubbed ArtGreen. Here we are our nerdiest, dirti­est, and in a Warhol manner come up with our best material. It is here we are allowed to express our love for comic books, movies and video games. It is here that we are inspired and create the wonderful works of art that we do.

ArtGreen is a Hamilton, Ontario-based arts collective