Issue #95

Review: Borderline

The whimsical storytelling of Casey Harrison’s Borderline transports the reader into a world of pure fantasy that is matched by its gorgeous, ethereal illustrations.

Review: Sessile

“Sessility” describes a lack of mobility in organisms. The inability to move under their own metabolic processes. In Sessile, our narrator finds themselves unable to move on.

Review: Autonomy

A virus rampages, there’s a nuclear strike on Fargo and beer that costs $26. Autonomy is too canny to offer much hope. Some might call it cynical. But Victoria Hetherington writes with a clarity that is the mark of a truly fearless artist

Nick Zedd’s Lovely Life of Scum

One of the most important and least accessible figures of the No Wave milieu, Nick Zedd’s films taught the important lesson that compelling art is unbound by any rules of aesthetics or taste.

Review: Wasp Video Xpress #1

Carlos Gonzalez’ sense of humour is consumed by a world of rot and body horror; puerile, but also quite unique.

Call for Submissions: EYESUCK ZINE

Submissions Self-aware, witty humour that points to Y2K nostalgia. Comics Poetry Microfiction (500-1000 words) Requirements Must follow the theme of […]

Call for Submissions: CANZINE

Submissions Visual art of any kind. Requirements Send a description of your work, a bio, and photos of your art […]