Announcing the BP Community! Exclusive access to perks, content and more!


We’re totally excited to announce that Broken Pencil is switching from a basic subscription for our readers to a new kind of membership — one with tons of exciting new content and opportunities for readers, creators, zinesters and DIY aficionados!

All of our paid memberships offer access to the BP community, the perks of which will be unveiled throughout 2017 and will include: a book club, discounts on various products and services, song downloads, premium access to Canzine and zine workshops.

We’ll also be putting up bonus content on a monthly basis starting Fall 2016. That means exclusive access for BP community members to podcasts, videos, downloads, themed article bundles and more!

Current print subscribers and digital subscribers have automatically been added into the BP Community.

Broken Pencil is always looking for new ways to grow our community and provide our subscribers with more.  If you have any suggestions or ideas for the Broken Pencil community, let us know at [email protected]