While poking around the Canzine vendors list, we were so exhilarated to see so many friends, new and old, signed up to table on the big day at the AGO on October 29th! That’s where this series of Canzine Portraits came from — to highlight some of the amazing talent that will be on display from Vancouver to Winnipeg to Toronto!
One awesome comic that we’ve seen around is Unproductive, now by Helena from Toronto. This sometimes sweet, often melancholy comics are super minimalist in that way that is extra thoughtful. We asked Helena a few questions leading up to the festival!

1. Tell us about your project! What’s it all about, and how did it come to be?
i don’t know why i began making comics, i never expected to do so. i just started writing and doodling in a sketchbook and then realized that you could probably call those comics. it is the best way i found to express my thoughts and now i can’t stop.
my style is very simple. i try to only draw what’s necessary in order to give meaning to my comics. i like exploring existential questions by portraying the absurdity of everyday life in a dark and sarcastic manner.
i don’t direct my work to anybody in particular really. i’m always surprised when someone i least expect likes it.
2. What are your tips for tabling at a zine fair?
pretend that you are totally fine and sociable; leave your zine maker/comic artist’s anxiety behind; smile and meet the wonderful people who are here to discover your work. (also, some of them might hate it and that’s fine)
3. Who are some of the other zine/comics artists you’re into?
i enjoy alex norris’ and james squires’ webcomics a lot.
i also discovered antonin buisson’s work at expozine (montreal) last year and really like it.