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 “Master of Two Worlds” by Sabrina Scott. Buy this print here.

The above painting is by Sabrina Scott, a Toronto-based illustrator and witch currently living in Halifax as a resident at the Roberts Street Social Centre in Halifax (2084 Creighton Street). Sabrina is launching her zine titled NOURISH at the Centre tonight. The zine deals with “magic, tarot, spirit and self-care.” If you’re in Halifax tonight you should drop by and check it out! The launch kicks off at 7pm. We are entranced by Sabrina’s beautiful artwork and encourage you to visit her Etsy shop, which contains all sorts of goodies, writings and creations, including a “Fuck Processed Food” tote bag. Total love.

Pixelated Passengers: We all stare at people on the subway (sometimes furtively, sometimes openly) from time to time. Artist Chris Pace does it a little more than others, and he’s created 8-bit pixelated renditions of the people he sees on New York City subways. Maybe it’s because I’m remembering all those hours of Sierra computer play from my childhood, but I find something sweet and oddly vulnerable about pixelated renderings of real people and animals, and Pace’s art is no exception. It’s really quite beautiful.  This Vice interview at their Motherboard blog first alerted us to Pace’s work, and you can see more of his stuff at his Tumblr.

The “Hipster” Newsstand? Speaking o’ the subways in NYC, a pop-up newsstand has opened up in New York’s Lorimer subway station selling zines, indie books, hard-to-find potato chip brands and other cool treats. The newsstand has been praised on sites like Papermag (cute interview at the link) although Gothamist dubbed the shop a “hipster newsstand” (we imagine the writer of the post had a gently mocking smirk as he typed those words.) While we think it’s super cool for zines to invade new frontiers (and I personally would love to see a zine/indie book shop open up in place of the sad, crappy newsstands with bored proprietors at stations like Spadina, etc in Toronto) one can imagine that people might find this newsstand a little precious in a city where hipster culture has reached its zenith. What do you think? Pretty sure I still err on the side of “like”….


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