Running Friday October 22nd to Monday October 25th!
Virtual Canzine 2021 offers not only amazing vendors selling zines, comics, and art, but we also offer some cool events you can check out!
ALL DAY EVENTS (October 22nd – 25th)
- Shop at Canzine — This is the main event. Feast upon over 1000 zines, comics, and works of general weirdness on display and for sale!
- Zine Readings — Canzine creatives read from their zines
- Zine Horoscopes — Let the stars be your DIY Guide.
- Letraset Yourself Free — Introduction to dry transfer lettering with Broken Pencil Editor Jonathan Valelly.
- Book Readings from the Indie Book Picks — Drop by anytime and watch a loop of readings/presentations from some of this year’s Indie Book Picks, a best of independent reading for fall and the holiday season.
Friday, October 22
- BP Zine Awards Short List Announcement at 11am EDT
Saturday, October 23
- The Canzine Social at 8pm-10pm EDT. Drop by and meet zine creators and zine fans from around the world in our virtual café.
Sunday, October 24
- Cormorant Books Showcase at 3 – 4:30pm EDT
A special thanks to our sponsors:
More information on Canzine 2021 programming down below:
BP Zine Awards Short List Reveal
At Canzine this year on October 22nd at 11am EDT, we will be announcing the BP Zine Awards nominees short list. Stay tuned and good luck to all!

Letraset Yourself Free! Dry Transfer Lettering Workshop
Available throughout Canzine from October 22nd to the 25th!
Before digital design was king, designers the world over used dry-transfer lettering to apply type. Letraset and its progeny were used on everything from glossy magazine covers to down home church bulletins and radical underground newspapers. How can zinesters and artists can use this aging technique to create groundbreaking and virtually inimitable graphics and layouts today? Dive into the history, technology, technique, and cultural forces of the Letraset era with Broken Pencil Editor Jonathan Valelly.

Zine Readings
Viewing Party and Mixer will start Saturday night on October 23rd! Zine readings will be available throughout Canzine!
Zinesters will give short readings from their amazing zines! On Saturday night, meet the readers and talk and commingle with zine lovers from all over Canada, the USA and the world.
More information coming soon!

Zine Horoscopes
Available throughout Canzine from October 22nd to the 25th!
Let the stars guide your Virtual Canzine experience!

Book Readings from Broken Pencil's Indie Book Picks

Stanley Wany – Helem
Stanley Wany is an Afro-Canadian artist whose practice includes graphic novels, pen and ink drawings, and paintings. His works have been exhibited in Canada, the United States, Finland, France, Portugal, and in Australia. His first graphic novel, Agalma, was nominated in 2016 for a Doug Wright Award at the Toronto Comics and Arts Festival.

Sydney Warner Brooman – The Pump
Sydney Warner Brooman (they/them) was raised in Grimsby, Ontario, attended Western University, and currently lives in Toronto. The Pump is their debut book with Invisible Publishing.

Adam Mardero – Uncommon Sense
My name is Adam Mardero, author of Uncommon Sense: An Autistic Journey. I’m a neurodiversity advocate trying to make the world a better place.

Aurore Gatwenzi – Gold Pours
Aurore Gatwenzi is a poet from Sudbury. She is a frequent participant in the Sudbury Poetry Slam scene. Gatwenzi is a co-founder of the Black Lives Matter Sudbury.

Jess MacCormack – Shame, Shame, Go Away
My art practice engages with the intersection of institutional violence and the socio-political reality of personal trauma. Working with communities and individuals affected by stigma and oppression, I use cultural platforms and distribution networks to facilitate collaborations which position art as a tool to engender personal and political agency.
Cormorant Books Showcase
Live on Zoom on October 24 Sunday from 3 – 4:30pm EDT!
Join this virtual event to learn the secrets behind the success of one of Canada’s longest running independent publishers, Cormorant Books. Hear short readings by three Cormorant authors — Richard Scarsbrook, Carolyn Mills and Hal Niedzviecki. Then find out how they came to place their novels with Cormorant — get the behind-the-scenes scoop with Sarah Cooper (Managing Director) and Marc Cote (Editor/Publisher). Finally, ask the authors and Cormorant brain-trust your questions about writing and publishing! A must attend event for the literature lover, the aspiring writer and independent Canadian culture aficionados. Live on Zoom on October 24 Sunday from 3 – 4:30pm EDT!

Richard Scarsbrook – The Troupers
An uproarious coming-of-age story about a family of quintuplets breaking free from their overbearing father’s expectations.
“By turns hilarious and heart-rending” – Terry Fallis
Richard Scarsbrook is an award-winning author and screenwriter whose short stories and poems have been published widely in literary journals, magazines, and anthologies. Royal Blood, the first of Scarsbrook’s screenplays to be produced, won Best Short Film at the TIFF-associated Milton Film Festival in 2019 and his last novel, Rockets versus Gravity, was a National Post bestseller. Scarsbrook currently teaches courses in creative writing at the Humber School for Writers and George Brown College. He lives in Toronto, Ontario.

Carolyn Mills – The Good Son
Zoe Emmerson’s quiet world is shaken the investigation into the murder of a six-year-old neighbour is re-opened thirty years after the fact, threatening to destroy her and everyone she’s fought so hard to protect.
“… a page-turner of a novel … something I raced to finish, excited to see if my theory was true or not.” – Anne Logan, I’ve Read This
Carolyn Huizinga Mills is a grade seven teacher who loves to share her passion for reading and writing with her students. She grew up in Calgary, Alberta, and now lives in southwestern Ontario with her husband and two children. In addition to reading and writing, Carolyn loves playing soccer, camping, travelling, and eating dark chocolate. The Good Son is her first novel.

Hal Niedzviecki – The Lost Expert
A novel exploring the sweeping impact popular culture holds over everyday life through the gripping story of a young man in way, way over his head.
“Hal Niedzviecki is … one of the wisest, funniest and most acute cultural critics writing today.” – Naomi Klein
Hal Niedzviecki is a writer, speaker, culture commentator and editor whose work challenges preconceptions and confronts readers with the offenses of everyday life. He is the author of eleven books of fiction and nonfiction, including The Archaeologists, which was shortlisted for the Mary Scorer Award for Best Book by a Manitoba Publisher. Niedzviecki is also the founder and publisher of Broken Pencil: The magazine of zine culture and the independent arts. He lives in Toronto, ON with his wife, two daughters, and the family animal.

Marc Côté
Publisher and Editor of Cormorant Books, Marc has won Canada’s Libris Award for Editor of the Year twice and under his leadership, Cormorant has won the Libris Award for Small Presses three times. Prior to taking over Cormorant in 2001, Marc cut a wide swath through the halls of Canada’s book publishing industry, holding positions at the Canadian Book Information Centre, Books in Canada, the World’s Biggest Bookstore, the Ontario Arts Council, the Literary Press Group of Canada, the Canada Council, Dundurn Press, and Stoddart Publishing.

Sarah Cooper
Managing Director of Cormorant Books, Sarah joined the company in 2019. Previously, she worked as a film and television agent, as Margaret Atwood’s executive assistant, as well as at the National Reading Campaign, the Canadian Book Information Centre, and the Association of Canadian Publishers.